Alrighty today I'm going to talk about mothers. I could spend the whole time talking about how all the mothers and motherly figures I've had through my whole life have taught me how to be a better mom, (because you all have) instead I'm going to get a little venting off my chest.
It's a quarter to 12 and where am I? In my house, sitting on my butt, with absolutely nothing better to do than write on my blog. While (I'm not going to name names because you would still be in denial even if I did) "X, Y, and Z" are out drinking, being promiscuous, and "having a life". You know what? You don't get that option if you have a kid. If you wanted to go back to your pre-baby days then you should've given your kid up for adoption where a mother who actually cares could be loving that kid. Your mother is 40+ she already had her kids! She doesn't need to be raising your's. Get your butt home, put on some jeans and a t-shirt, put in a fricking disney movie, and snuggle that child like you mean it. You made the choice to have your baby. I don't care if it taught you to appreciate your young single life. You can appreciate it while reminiscing. Right now you have a duty to your kid and to yourself to prove that you can be a good parent.
I know ,while you're out in your hoochy mama dress with those pathetic guys who want to give you a second baby, you're judging me. Well guess what?! My daughter is worth more than you and your fake body parts. While you're showing people just how selfish and trashy you are I'm here at 12 listening to my daughter sleep peacefully after holding her for hours while she cried. I was the one soothing her, I'm the one who takes care of her, and I'll be the one she turns to when in need. Where's your kid? I bet you don't even know.
Come on women! We're so much better than this! If this is how we're going to act then instead of having the stereotype of our place being in the kitchen it'll be that our place is in the bedroom periodically like an on call hooker.... oh wait there's a word for that... "booty call". Shape up and get some class.