Monday, March 14, 2011

How two pink lines changed my life.

All of you know how my pregnancy started out right??? I thought I had the stomach flu. I was nauseated all the time, sore, and SO tired! And I would've never guessed I was pregnant... but Corey being the open-minded man that he is suggested that I might be pregnant (while grinning ear to ear). I was skeptical, but I agreed to take the test just to satisfy his curiosity. So Corey, Sarina, and I all went into the bathroom, I peed on the stick, waited, waited some more, when I finally decided to turn it over there were the little pink lines that changed everything.....

 Corey and Sarina were all kinds of excited jumping and screaming running out to tell the whole family. Where was I??? Picking up my jaw from the floor. I did so, cleaned up, walked slowly to the bathroom mirror looked at my belly, and threw up. Now a few months down the road we decided to take another pregnancy test.....

And what was the first thing Corey asked???...... "Is it positive?" (snicker) "Yes dear, it's still positive. We're still pregnant." And sense then it has been a fun little hop, skip, and jump to where we are today. Now I wake up every two hours while the bun stretches and gets comfortable. Then I'm up at seven because I've turned into a zombie "food.... foood..... FOOOOOOODDD!!!!" After the first spoon full works it's way down to hungry little off spring my belly becomes a punching bag yet again. But the best part of the day is when Corey and I sit together with our dogs and snuggle both the dogs gently put their heads on to any part of my stomach that isn't covered by Corey's hand. Then we all just sit and feel the baby move.

You know how some kids only listen to their dad? Mom says "Don't do that," and they do it anyways. Dad looks at them like "You better not do that," and they listen.... to a look! Well my child is like that... it'll get right under my bellybutton and kick it's little heart out and then it'll stretch. I say "Hey you in there that doesn't feel good." Or "Ugh, you're lucky you aren't already out here or I'd threaten to swat your bum." Then my knight in shining armor emerges.... Corey will lift up my shirt to expose my round belly, he'll put his hands on either side of my bulge and then...."Hello Baby" And just like that they quit everything they are doing!!!! Oh sure he stays and talks for while but come on, I talk to them and they ignore me! The little stinker/s.

Although we still have many more months to go this little kid is already keeping me entertained.


  1. Cute! And I love the picture on the bottom! it has always been one of my favorite pregnancy pictures!!! Just wait til the end when you do get glimpses of those little fists and feets!
